Friday, April 30, 2010

Poor Baby

My wife took the little girl to the doctor yesterday morning. She'd been running fever and had been very congested. The congestion had persisted since she had her shots at 10 weeks, which was 3 weeks ago.

The doctor said she has an ear infection and a cold. The weird thing is that she hadn't really been that fussy.

We're using what my nephew calls the "snotty sucker" to try to keep the congestion at bay. The little girl definitely doesn't care for saline drops, I'll tell you that.

We're also giving her amoxicillin, which she threw up yesterday evening but kept down fine this morning. Her temp was normal this morning, too. Praise the Lord!

Right now, she's with the sitter, and I'm working on my Sunday morning sermon. So, I guess I better run. Just wanted to give a quick update.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finding Her Voice

It really has been a while since I posted an entry, I know. The reason: didn't feel like there was anything post-worthy. However, I must say that today the little girl has been more vocal than she's ever been. Maybe she's finding her voice, but, then again, she might have just realized she's MY kid. Or maybe it's just that she's constipated. Who knows?

Her hand-eye coordination is getting better, too. She's reaching for the toys hanging from the baby gym, thing-a-ma-jig. She'll even take her foot and kick the post, which makes all the toys move. She really likes that. And she almost... ALMOST... pulled hard enough on the little thing to make the music play. I had to help her out just a little bit.

I'll let you know if she ever decides to roll over!