Friday, March 19, 2010

Thank You, Facebook

Thanks to Facebook, I found out that my little girl slept through the night for the first time last night. Emily put her down around 9:30 last night, and she didn't wake up for feeding until 5:00 this morning. Of course, she was in the swing and not the bassinet, but, then, she always sleeps in the swing. We'll celebrate this victory and work on the bassinet thing later.

In other news, we buried one of our church's deacons today. Mr. Clint Hutto died in a house fire Monday. His wife, Mrs. Charlotte, is really going through it. Their home burned completely to the ground. It was a total loss. She was not home at the time. I conducted the service today. There were lots of people here from our church, and there were lots of people here from Mr. Clint's family.

My little girl was rotten this morning, though. How rotten? Well, I started trying to get ready around 8:00, and didn't finish getting ready until right at noon. That's how rotten she was. Every time I turned around, she was screaming. I love her, though.

You should have seen her a few minutes ago. She was hungry, and my wife was... indisposed... at the time. So, I had to figure out a way to keep her from screaming until (keep the baby from screaming) my wife got un-indisposed. So, I'm playing with the baby, just trying to keep her occupied and not thinking about how hungry she was. I got right in her face and started giving her Eskimo kisses. What does she do? She latches on and starts nursing my nose! It was really hilarious.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Portraits and Progress

My wife had her six week doctor visit yesterday. He cleared her to go back to work, so now we begin a new phase in this whole endeavor: daddy day care! I've got the baby during the day. It's going to be interesting. When she gets a little bigger, I'm going to take her with me to make home visits. In the meantime, someone in our church is going to keep her 2-3 days a week, so I can do the things away from the house that need to be done.

We also took the baby to have her 6-week portraits made at Sears yesterday. I guess she did pretty good. She didn't really smile much for the camera, though. Oh well. She's been a fairly "serious" baby thus far, though she does have the cutest smile and dimples you've ever seen! When all was said and done, I didn't let my wife talk me into spending goboodles of money on pictures. I was pretty proud of myself, actually. I may live to regret not getting more, but I figure in this digital age, with all the pics we have on the computer, a digital camera, and a digital camcorder, there's not much point in paying a big bunch of money for some dude to take pictures of my little girl, when I can do it just as well with my digital camera and tripod at home.

In the last day or two, she has begun to take the bottles of formula MUCH better. She drank an entire 4-ounce bottle straight down on Tuesday. That was major progress. She's also holding her head up alot more. Last night, I was holding her on my chest in my recliner, and she just held her head up almost the whole time looking around. I gotta tell you, it was really sweet.

That's all for now, I suppose. Y'all have a good one!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Why the title of the blog? Well, it looks like I've failed to blog for SEVERAL days (turning into weeks). The reason? Can't really say, except that not much is happening.

She's not rolling over yet. She's not walking yet (shocker). She's not talking yet (another shocker). She's not eating cheeseburgers yet (may be a shocker since she's MY kid). She does what most average babies do: eats, sleeps, poops, and cries.

Speaking of crying, this is probably the only notable thing that's happened in the last several weeks. Sunday night before last, we decided to move her into the bedroom at night. My wife and I had been taking shifts in the living room with the baby at night, and we knew we needed to move her into our bedroom eventually.

The only problem now is that she (the baby, not the wife) was a hard time getting settled at night. Almost the instant we put her down, whether in her bassinet or in her swing, she starts screaming bloody murder.

Tonight seems a little better... so far. She slept for about 30 minutes in her bassinet and then woke us up with a blood curdling, "LAAAAA!" I moved her into her swing, and she settled down. Praise Jesus! As I am typing, I just heard her cry for about 10 seconds, but she stopped. Lord Jesus, I hope she'll start sleeping through the night soon. For the record, usually by about 1:00am, she's gotten settled and sleeps pretty good until around 7:30... with the exception of the feeding in between.

Why am I up at midnight? Well, I'm glad you asked. I got a Depomedrol shot today, at least I think that's what it's called. It's like Decadron, and it's supposed to help clear up my sinuses while the antibiotics take effect. The side effect is that I can't sleep. So, here I am blogging.

Oh, this was kind of funny. We went to Meridian a couple weeks ago so family could see baby. My grandmother was holding the baby, and she said to my grandfather, "Would you like to hold her?" He said, "I don't believe." She said, "Have you ever held a baby this small?" He said, "No, I don't believe I have." She said, "Not even your own?" (technically, step-grandmother--they married when I was 4). He said, "No."

Oh, well. I just couldn't believe Grandaddy had never held a baby that small. I'm really glad he got to meet her, though. She never got a chance to meet Nanny and PawPaw. One day she will... One day she will.