Thursday, March 11, 2010

Portraits and Progress

My wife had her six week doctor visit yesterday. He cleared her to go back to work, so now we begin a new phase in this whole endeavor: daddy day care! I've got the baby during the day. It's going to be interesting. When she gets a little bigger, I'm going to take her with me to make home visits. In the meantime, someone in our church is going to keep her 2-3 days a week, so I can do the things away from the house that need to be done.

We also took the baby to have her 6-week portraits made at Sears yesterday. I guess she did pretty good. She didn't really smile much for the camera, though. Oh well. She's been a fairly "serious" baby thus far, though she does have the cutest smile and dimples you've ever seen! When all was said and done, I didn't let my wife talk me into spending goboodles of money on pictures. I was pretty proud of myself, actually. I may live to regret not getting more, but I figure in this digital age, with all the pics we have on the computer, a digital camera, and a digital camcorder, there's not much point in paying a big bunch of money for some dude to take pictures of my little girl, when I can do it just as well with my digital camera and tripod at home.

In the last day or two, she has begun to take the bottles of formula MUCH better. She drank an entire 4-ounce bottle straight down on Tuesday. That was major progress. She's also holding her head up alot more. Last night, I was holding her on my chest in my recliner, and she just held her head up almost the whole time looking around. I gotta tell you, it was really sweet.

That's all for now, I suppose. Y'all have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were on blogger. Saw the link on FB. Good luck with Daddy Day Care. You will do great!
